A new way to fly.
Absolutely safe and almost silent.

Sustainable, ecological and dynamic - this is what the h-aero product family from Hybrid Airplane Technologies GmbH (HAT) in Baden-Baden stands for. The flight systems are powered by renewable energy sources and act as a carrier system for a wide range of sensors for various applications.

Invest in h-aero® technology

"with proven concepts and reliable partners ..." Currently you can invest in hybrid airplane technology via the renowned platform FunderNation. Swarm investors receive a share of the company's profits over the next few years and, at the end of the five-year term, a bonus interest rate based on the company's increase in value.

Invest now in h-aero®. Download Asset Information Sheet (VIB)

The best flight characteristics combined

All products of the h-aero® family carry a higher payload per cubic metre of helium gas than other flying objects. This lightweight design makes it possible to develop the world's smallest flying LTA systems. Of course, there is no limit to the size. The best flight characteristics are combined in h-aero®.

About the technology

Areas of application

The h-aero® is a data collector from the air. It can be equipped with various sensors and cover different areas of application. Possible areas of application are observation (fire monitoring, environmental damage, agricultural cultivation, etc.), industrial inspection (bridges, tunnels, monument protection and industrial plants, etc.) and monitoring of large areas. Digitalisation also plays a major role: the launcher systems are connected to the internet and are able to perform autonomous flight sequences, whether via WLAN or mobile networks.

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Cultural heritage


Entertainment & Events




LTA-UAV Manufacturing

Proof of concept


More about us

We offer our customers a new option of obtaining data from the air and try out ideas with them, some of our own and some we have brought along, in order to bring about significant potential cost reductions in various industrial processes. This results in prototypes and results that can then be rolled out after the results have confirmed the assumption.

More about us